Amaro Nonino Quintessentia

Producer Amaro is produced by macerating a combination of herbs, roots, flowers and fruit peels in alcohol. This Italian herbal liqueur is usually served after lunch or dinner to aid digestion. There are many different Amaros, however the best known … Continue reading

Medici Ermete Concerto Lambrusco 2010

Producer The general perception of Lambrusco is a sweet, sparkling red wine that was very popular in the 1970s. Lambrusco comes in many shapes and forms. However traditional Lambrusco is not sweet but dry to off dry, and like the … Continue reading

Porta di Vertine Chianti Classico 2007

Producer La Porta di Vertine was established in 2006 by Dan Lugosch, an American real estate developer, and his wife Ellen. They purchased an amphitheatre-shaped vineyard in the tiny hamlet of Vertine, just outside of the town of Gaiole in … Continue reading

Spinetta Moscato Biancospino 2010

Producer It was in 1977 that Giuseppe Rivetti started producing Moscato d’Asti in his winery at Castagnole Lanze. He named it La Spinetta “the top of the hill” and released two single-vineyard Moscatos the same year: Biancospino (hawthorn) and Bricco … Continue reading